Image Gallery of Mike Curtis, Linebacker 1965-1978

Mike Curtis Football Cards

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  1. John Hines

    Mike’s was a senior my freshman year at Duke and a fraternity brother. I had the great honor (I’m sure among many others) to have had him break my arm while I was pathetically trying to tackle him. He was an excellent fullback. A gentle person until he put on a uniform then he became a beast.

    1. Mike Avolio

      I refuse to visit the HOF until they put Mike in.
      I’m sixty five and Mike has been my football hero since I started following the NFL.

      When they finally do him justice it is my intention to attend the induction.

  2. Steve

    Curtis and Hendricks, deadly duo. Joe Thomas TRADED Hendricks for………. well nothing.

  3. Bryant Leathers

    I only saw his fullback ability one time, after he picked off that pass in SB 5, he took a couple of full back moves then hit the turf quick to get ready for the O’Brien field goal!


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